node-gyp configure got "gyp ERR! find VS"

Solution 1:

You do not have to install Visual Studio, just install the windows build tools:

  1. run CMD as Admin
  2. run npm install --g --production windows-build-tools

This should fix that.


Solution 2:

Open your Visual Studio & then in 'search box' search VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools and install then search Desktop development with C++ install it. Hope this helps.

Solution 3:

It is because the C++ build tools are not installed. It can be solved by installing VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools in Visual Studio installer:

looks like this

Solution 4:

If you are using Chocolatey, install the following:

choco install visualstudio2019buildtools visualstudio2019-workload-vctools