New posts in visual-studio-2019

How to remove the Live Share button?

Can't open txt files in c++ program with Visual Studio 2019

Azure Function App Runtime not available in Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.11.4

dotnet run reporting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.8 were not found'

ENC1003 C# Changes made in project will not be applied while the application is running

Updating nuget package and all its dependencies at once

Chrome, Discord and Visual Studio 2019 instability with low pagefile size

Can't get costura.fody to embed dll into exe

ESLint support Visual studio 2017

Installation of AnkhSVN Visual Studio 2019

node-gyp configure got "gyp ERR! find VS"

VS Info Message: "Package restore on project open is disabled. Change the npm package management settings in Project Properties ..."

The target process exited without raising CoreCLR started event error with .NET Core 2.2

How do I find files that are missing from visual studio projects?

Cannot remote debug Azure AppService "unable to find a process called w3wp"

The 'CascadePackage' package did not load correctly

Visual Studio 2017/2019 Installation finished with errors - Couldn't install Microsoft.VisualC.Redist.12

"Value does not fall within the expected range" when trying to add a reference in a project

C# program exits immediately if UseWPF/UseWindowsForms set to true

Unable to bind to http://localhost:5000 on the IPv6 loopback interface: 'Cannot assign requested address'