New posts in visual-studio-2019

How can I view Markdown text inside Visual Studio? [closed]

How do I get Visual Studio 2019 Community back to my Azure DevOps projects

How to enable Nullable Reference Types feature of C# 8.0 for the whole project

How to upgrade from VS 2017 to 2019?

Function showing output to textbox

Visual Studio 2019 keeps asking to re-enter credentials for Azure DevOps

The CreateAppHost task failed unexpectedly. MSB4018

WPF: How can I see where does the app freeze while the background commands are done?

How do I refresh branches (local/remote) in Visual Studio when using Git?

ASP.NET Core 3.0 not showing on Visual Studio 2019

Where is NuGet.Config file located in Visual Studio project?

Visual Studio Run As Admin from Recent solutions list

Force uninstall of Visual Studio

Is there a way to zoom the Visual Studio text editor with a keyboard shortcut?

"Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" failed on install for VS 2019

Failed to compute cache key: ".csproj" not found

VS 2019 Publish issue - Unable to load the service index for source

Visual Studio 2019/C++ bug?

Expressing dynamic polymorphism

Visual Studio 2017 & 2019 highlight occurrences of selected word in scrollbar