New posts in csproj

how to run a command after build [duplicate]

Is it possible to add comments to a csproj file?

What's purpose of <Use64BitIISExpress /> element in csproj file

What does <None Remove="..." /> mean in csproj?

Can the new csproj file structure be used with a ASP.NET Framework project?

Error NU1105 Unable to find project information - The project file may be invalid or missing targets required for restore

MSBuild Ignore absent <TargetFrameworks> for every .csproj in .sln?

Upgrading to .NET Core 2.0: PackageTargetFallback and AssetTargetFallback cannot be used together

Understanding a csproj assembly reference

Visual Studio project type guids

Project reference conditional include with multiple conditions

.csproj multiple hint paths for an assembly

What use is the Aliases property of assembly references in Visual Studio 8

Visual Studio 2017 and the new .csproj InternalsVisibleTo

What is NuGetPackageImportStamp for?

What does the .csproj file do?

Can files be nested in VS2017 Solution Explorer for .NET Core (non-ASP.NET Core) projects?

Detected package downgrade warning (dotnet core, vs 2017)

Is there a way to automatically include content files into project file?

Including content files in .csproj that are outside the project cone