New posts in projects-and-solutions

Cannot add reference to project because of a circular dependency error

How to link multiple visual studio solutions together?

What is the difference between web application and website in [duplicate]

Unsupported compiler '' xcode 5 DP

Developing a Robocode type game with .Net, for a School Assignment

Spring MVC - Project structure - best practices [closed]

Structuring projects & dependencies of large winforms applications in C#

The Ultimate Visual Studio Solution Structure

Copying Visual Studio project file(s) to output directory during build

How to programmatically include a file in my project?

Is there any guidance on converting existing .NET class libraries to portable libraries?

How to force Visual Studio not to add GlobalSection(Performance) section?

Project Order in Visual Studio Solution

How do I find files that are missing from visual studio projects?

MSBuild does not contain a value for the "VCTargetsPath" property

Tool to view the contents of the Solution User Options file (.suo)

error in csproj - duplicate item

What does the "Link Library Dependency" linker option actually do in Visual Studio 2010 - 2015 and upwards?

Visual Studio 2010 & 2008 can't handle source files with identical names in different folders?

Visual Studio 2012 doesn't convert vs2010 solution?