The target process exited without raising CoreCLR started event error with .NET Core 2.2

Solution 1:

I had the same issue.
I ran Program.cs file from the command line and the error message was different.
So, apparently, I didn't have the appropriate .NET Core runtime installed.

You can download it by the following link -

Solution 2:

I was facing the same issue!

I updated my Visual Studios to the most recent via the VS Installer.
While updating, I also added the following VS Workloads:

  • ASP.NET and web development
  • .NET desktop development

See about workloads here:

This worked for me! 😊

I did not have to downgrade or remove anything

Solution 3:

I had to do a "clean" and "rebuild" of the project and after that it worked again.

Solution 4:

I ran with the same problem. But for me it was that my project was running in .NET Core 2.2, which I didn't have installed. I'm using VS 2019.

So for the solution, just go to Visual Studio Installer and for your VS 2019 hit "Modify" like in the following image (it's in spanish though): See image here

Then, click "Individual Components", like here.

And then, make sure you checked in ".NET Core 2.2 Runtime (EOL)" (and above like .NET Core 3.0, if you want) and click "Modify", as shown here

Hope this works for you.