New posts in assembly

Translating C function with args to MIPS: loop over an int array and count negatives

NASM Error Parsing, Instruction Expected

How to read image file and display on screen in windows tasm dosbox

Assembly x86 Date to Number - Breaking a string into smaller sections

How to write an absolute target for a near direct relative call/jmp in MASM

When using the MOV mnemonic to load/copy a string to a memory register in MASM, are the characters stored in reverse order?

Random number in assembly

Why can I access lower dword/word/byte in a register but not higher?

When should I use size directives in x86?

Shadow space example

Is it useful to use VZEROUPPER if your program+libraries contain no SSE instructions?

How do programs know how much space to allocate for local variables on the stack?

How does the CPU know how many bytes it should read for the next instruction, considering instructions have different lenghts?

Why do we need stack allocation when we have a red zone?

Why does the compiler reserve a little stack space but not the whole array size?

Why is RCX not used for passing parameters to system calls, being replaced with R10? [duplicate]

Why is ExitProcess necessary under Win32 when you can use a RET?

Is vxorps-zeroing on AMD Jaguar/Bulldozer/Zen faster with xmm registers than ymm?

Getting max value in a __m128i vector with SSE?

How to run a single line of assembly, then see [R1] and condition flags