New posts in assembly

Using bts assembly instruction with gcc compiler

calling assembly function from c

Why can't I mmap(MAP_FIXED) the highest virtual page in a 32-bit Linux process on a 64-bit kernel?

Print integer to console in x86 assembly

Do programming language compilers first translate to assembly or directly to machine code?

How do i read single character input from keyboard using nasm (assembly) under ubuntu?

How sqrt() of GCC works after compiled? Which method of root is used? Newton-Raphson?

Near call/jump tables don't always work in a bootloader

What is the type of the UART chip used by Virtual Box?

How do vararg functions find out the number of arguments in machine code?

multi-word addition using the carry flag

Do I get a performance penalty when mixing SSE integer/float SIMD instructions

what does movsbl instruction do? [duplicate]

Why does GCC call libc's sqrt() without using its result?

What is the reason function names are prefixed with an underscore by the compiler?

What is register %eiz?

How do I write a bin file (512 bytes) to the first sector (sector 0) of a floppy disk?

Converting Int to Float or Float to Int using Bitwise operations (software floating point)

Function to mangle/demangle functions

Questions about AT&T x86 Syntax design