multi-word addition using the carry flag

Solution 1:

I found a solution with ICC 13.0.01 using the _addcarry_u64 intrinsic

void add256(uint256 *x, uint256 *y) {
    unsigned char c = 0;
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x1, y->x1, &x->x1);
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x2, y->x2, &x->x2);
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x3, y->x3, &x->x3);
        _addcarry_u64(c, x->x4, y->x4, &x->x4);


        xorl      %r9d, %r9d                                    #25.9
        movq      (%rsi), %rax                                  #22.9
        addq      %rax, (%rdi)                                  #22.9
        movq      8(%rsi), %rdx                                 #23.9
        adcq      %rdx, 8(%rdi)                                 #23.9
        movq      16(%rsi), %rcx                                #24.9
        adcq      %rcx, 16(%rdi)                                #24.9
        movq      24(%rsi), %r8                                 #25.9
        adcq      %r8, 24(%rdi)                                 #25.9
        setb      %r9b                                          #25.9
        ret                                                     #26.1

I compiled with -O3. I don't know how to enable adx with ICC. Maybe I need ICC 14?

That's exactly 1 addq and three adcq like I expect.

With Clang the result using -O3 -madx is a mess

add256(uint256*, uint256*):                  # @add256(uint256*, uint256*)
movq    (%rsi), %rax
xorl    %ecx, %ecx
xorl    %edx, %edx
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rax, (%rdi)
addb    $-1, %cl
movq    (%rdi), %rcx
adcxq   %rax, %rcx
setb    %al
movq    8(%rsi), %rcx
movb    %al, %dl
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rcx, 8(%rdi)
addb    $-1, %al
movq    8(%rdi), %rax
adcxq   %rcx, %rax
setb    %al
movq    16(%rsi), %rcx
movb    %al, %dl
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rcx, 16(%rdi)
addb    $-1, %al
movq    16(%rdi), %rax
adcxq   %rcx, %rax
setb    %al
movq    24(%rsi), %rcx
addb    $-1, %al
adcq    %rcx, 24(%rdi)

Without enabling -madx in Clang the result is not much better.

Edit: Apperently MSVC already has _addcarry_u64. I tried it and it's as good as ICC (1x add and 3x adc).