New posts in ubuntu-gnome

VSCode overrides default HTML viewer

Weird UI/Theme on Ubuntu 20.04 after upgrading from 18.04

Restore typeahead in Nautilus (UbuntuGNOME)

UbuntuGNOME 15.10 64 bit doesn't shut down

Revert gnome-shell version

How to get Mac style title bar buttons on Ubuntu gnome without changing rest of the theme?

How to get Gnome 3.14 on UbuntuGnome 14.04LTS [duplicate]

Ubuntu gnome 17.04 freezes on shutdown

How can I adjust preferences for gedit that no longer appear in the preferences menu in Ubuntu 18.04

Is there a way to "Screen pin" an app in Ubuntu?

Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 Disable Touchpad While Typing Not Working

How to reinstall gnome-terminal?

Strange graphics issue after upgrading to 18.04 that affects only one user account

Ubuntu 18.04 3D acceleration on VirtualBox

HP backlight keyboard not working after installing Ubuntu

ubuntu 18 save session not working

Renaming files on Ubuntu-GNOME appears weird instead of blue

Teams for Linux snap application will not start

What will happen to Ubuntu GNOME flavour users after Gnome becomes the new official flavour in 17.10? [duplicate]

What will be a smoother transition into GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04-- Ubuntu GNOME or Vanilla Ubuntu?