How to reinstall gnome-terminal?

I dont know exactly what happened. When I open my terminal window, it completely cracked. I dont anything editing this window. How to i reinstall gnome-terminal ?

I have tried the below post's solutions, How to reinstall Terminal?

But, it didn't solve my problem.

enter image description here

It would be great, if give any solutions.


Read the next paragraph to its end before doing anything!

Switch to a TTY by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1. It also works for F2 to F6. If something is running on TTY1 (used F1), use the next one. Log in and enter sudo apt-get purge gnome-terminal. To get back to the graphical session, press Ctrl + Alt + F7.

You might want to remove the profile files before reinstalling gnome-terminal (by typing in sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal). To do so, delete ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal, if it exist on your system. I have no idea where it is on Ubuntu 15.04, so maybe google this one.

Edit: I figured out the path on Ubuntu 15.04: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.Terminal.gschema.xml.

Most likely you ran into this problem after upgrading python2.7 to python3.5, anyway the solution is rather easy: Just open xterm and type the following:

sudo apt-get -f install gnome-terminal


sudo apt-get remove gnome-terminal && sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal

if it didn't work either ways though, run sudo apt-get remove python3 first and repeat the steps.

open xterm or a tty terminal, and run the following command:

sudo apt-get remove gnome-terminal && sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal