Restore typeahead in Nautilus (UbuntuGNOME)

In the default version of Nautilus that UbuntuGNOME comes with, when you begin typing in a folder, instead of selecting the first matching file, Nautilus executes a full search of all subdirectories. The search is laggy, and moreover is not what most users are accustomed to happening. In the default Unity-based Ubuntu 14.04, the old behavior ("typeahead") has been restored through a patch to Nautilus.

Is there a way to patch Nautilus in UbuntuGNOME to restore "typeahead" functionality?

Execute the following command in terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) to enable the typeahead feature in Ubuntu GNOME:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-interactive-search true

This is set to false in Ubuntu GNOME by default, but set to true in Unity, which enables the type-ahead functionality in it.