Change date format for wine (Windows software)

Solution 1:

  1. Open Terminal, run:

    wine regedit
  2. Follow path:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
  3. Change the entry sShortDate to dd/MM/yyyy (notice the capital M)


Solution 2:

I was experiencing the same difficulty and this answer was of great help. The only thing is the regedit entry was reverting back to default each time I run the application. This was happening because I had to set LANG=pt_BR.utf8 before calling wine <myapp.exe>.

So the solution for me was:

  1. issued export LANG=pt_BR.utf8;
  2. followed's steps;
  3. run wine <myapp.exe>

My application also demanded arial.ttf font, which I downloaded to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts.