UbuntuGNOME 15.10 64 bit doesn't shut down

My laptop doesn't entirely shut down. Everything goes black but the screen is still on and I have to force shutdown.

I don't know to which package should I post this bug to. How can I determine this ?

My laptop is an Acer TimeLine X 5820T, 8GB RAM, 240 Kingston SSD, Intel Graphics version and Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 64 bit.

Solution 1:

Add a specification to your grub commandline option in the /etc/default/grub config file. This is the option that begins with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.

Try adding the following reboot=pci to that line. The changes would be:

Change from:


Change to:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash reboot=pci"

After making changes to your grub configuration you will have to run the update command to activate the change:

$ sudo update-grub

(The $ sign is important in the line above. It's indicating a terminal commandline from the user's prompt.)

There are other reboot flags you can test if that one fails. The options includes:

  • warm - don’t set the cold reboot flag
  • cold - set the cold reboot flag
  • bios - reboot by jumping through the BIOS (only for X86_32)
  • smp (reboot by executing reset on BSP or other CPU - only for X86_32)
  • triple - force a triple fault - init
  • kbd - use the keyboard controller. cold reset (default)
  • acpi - use the RESET_REG in the FADT
  • efi - use efi reset_system runtime service
  • pci - use the so-called “PCI reset register”, CF9
  • force - avoid anything that could hang

Also, you can try multiple parameters at the same time such as:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash reboot=warm,cold,bios,smp,triple,kbd,acpi,efi,pci,force"

Other details can be found at:


Solution 2:

It can be caused by some program which refuses to close while shutting down or after installing updates (happened with me). It can also be after changing your login screen (happened with me after installing lxdm). Before shutting down try to manually force close user apps using task manager. Also try updating your grub using

sudo update-grub

Usually it happens only after installing updates and should be resolved at next boot.