New posts in window-manager

How to run Wireshark in the background without the GUI?

Starting VLC from command line always puts the window behind other windows

Automatically minimize program after X time without focus?

How Do I remove minimize, maximize, and close buttons in Ubuntu 18.04?

I3 WM with auto internet connectivity and a gnome panel

Tile *Previous* Window Side-by-Side with Current

Don't raise window on click (while hold)

How do I drag-and-drop a file into a window that's not in the foreground?

Linux Mint - Remember window positions and sizes

xdotool how to select desktop send F5 and return?

How do I eliminate the extra title bar?

Window borders disappear

Which window manager offers the best stability?

Launched application does not stay on the same desktop

Cycle application windows changed in recent update (2019)

Move a window back into the visible area in Xubuntu?

Is there any Window Manager like the Windows 7's for Ubuntu?

Keeping the dock visible without affecting window size?

Force disable snapping windows

Recall windows to the current space