New posts in xdotool

Is there a way to mimic "click and drag" using the keyboard?

xdotool how to select desktop send F5 and return?

Setting terminal window's title: wmctrl versus xdotool

Xdotool does not work with xbindkeys

How to temporarily disable aa key on the keyboard after pressing it?

Numpad key repeating continuously [duplicate]

Can xdotool position the mouse relative to current location?

xdotool Does Not Work With Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts

How to enable "Preserve Log" in Network tab in Chrome developer tools by default?

Display the current date & time in the window's title

Is there a way to send the switch windows signal without "Alt-Tab"?

Get word under cursor in X11

Does `xdotool key --delay` pause for specified delay between typing every two consecutive keys?

Can I automatically send a particular application's window to the lowest z-position, when it loses focus?

How to make equally sized windows in corners of the screen?

How to set cursor position with command/script?

Run several xdotool commands in one line separated from each other

Create a custom shortcut that types clipboard contents

Window 'grouping'?

Trying to paste a typed command to a terminal