New posts in wmctrl

Get Active Window ID in Hex not Decimal

wmctrl ignore other workspaces

Setting terminal window's title: wmctrl versus xdotool

How to close only one window of an application?

How to use wmctrl to activate window of a given class?

wmctrl - focus most recent window of an app

Raise all windows with a specific title

Why wmctrl doesn't work for certain windows?

Can I automatically send a particular application's window to the lowest z-position, when it loses focus?

How to make equally sized windows in corners of the screen?

Is there a command line utility equivalent to wmctrl on Windows

How do I look up the name of the current workspace?

Window 'grouping'?

How can i move a window to a specific monitor (Ubuntu 20.04)?

How can I kill a specific X window

How to determine if window is maximised or minimised from bash script

Can I minimize a window into a box on Unity?

Focus or open window in gnome on keyboard shortcut

How do I permanently change window titles?

Why can't I move a window to the top left corner with wmctrl in Unity?