New posts in openbox

How do I change the background colour of Leafpad? (changing .gtkrc insufficient)

Does installing multiple desktop environments affect performance?

Openbox : launch a maximize application through ob menu

Openbox : make 4 desktops 2x2

Can I hide the mouse cursor in OpenBox?

Google chrome remote desktop connection only display wallpaper

How do I move my top panel?

Openbox disable Alt+F4

How to get Openbox as kde's window manager

Lubuntu: hotkey to toggle displays

Raise all windows with a specific title

Set an HTML page as the wallpaper on Linux

Some keys are not detected in my keyboard (multimedia keys?) by either xev or xbindkeys or keytouch: how to detect them?

Is it possible to have an "Always on top" feature in (L)ubuntu?

How to align desktop icons to grid in LXDE/Openbox?

How to get the "name" of the key combination (keybind key) for the Openbox config file

Tiling windows horizontally and vertically under Lubuntu (LXDE/Openbox)?

How to place window controls in chromium/chrome to the left side?

"Focus application" keyboard shortcut in Lubuntu (LXDE)

How to set nautilus to --no-desktop via gconf