Lubuntu: hotkey to toggle displays

Solution 1:

I wrote myself a bash script that switches between the laptop's screen and an external screen. It checks which screen is on, switches it off and switches the other screen on with its native resolution. The nice thing is. that it doesn't need to know the names of the screens as those are gathered from xrandr.

#Toggles between two screens. Assuming only one external screen is connected

monitors=`xrandr | grep -P ' connected' | grep -o '^[^ ]*'`
set -- "$monitors"
#monArr contains an array of the id's of the connected screens
declare -a monArr=($*)

#onMon holds the id of the *first* on screen found
onMon=`xrandr --listmonitors | head -2 | grep -oP "[a-zA-Z]*-[0-9]$"`

#offMon holds the id of the other monitor, which is not on
if [ "$onMon" = "${monArr[0]}" ]


#Switches the on screen off and vice versa
xrandr --output $offMon --auto --output $onMon --off