I'm running Gnome-shell GNOME/openbox, not Unity, on a dual display.

My top and bottom panels are always on my laptop screen. I really want them on the external monitor when that is plugged in. I've read a ton of tips about using gconftool-2 and gconf-editor to switch the "monitor" key from 0 to 1 for each panel, but doing that has no effect.

I can use alt super right to access the panel properties and move the panel to the top / left / right / bottom of my laptop screen, but I can't for the life of me move it over to my external monitor.

I recently rearranged my desk and don't know what all I customized six months ago when I was setting up my desktop environment. So one question is ... could I have done something to give control over my panels to something other than gconf-editor? How would I figure that out?


On my Gnome 3.8.4 (Ubuntu 13.10) the right way to do that operation was going in monitor settings, and drag&drop the panel from the monitor to the other one (pointing the cursor on the little monitor pictured in the image box).

Here's a screenshot (sorry, the user interface is not in english):

Screenshot of the operation

I'm not actually running Gnome-shell - I use classic mode, but I can move the top panel by doing "alt-super + right-click", choosing "properties", then unchecking "expand". I can then drag it with my mouse to where I want it, and reverse the procedure to again check "expand".

For Ubuntu 20.04 desktop version, you can go to Settings -> Display and in the Primary Display field, pick the particular monitor you want to be the primary and the top bar will move to that screen.
