How to get Openbox as kde's window manager


Installing the openbox.

Making a new user.

Log in as the new user.

enter image description here

The KDE Menu is empty.

enter image description here

Trying to fix

Running the kbuildsycoca4 to rebuild the system configuration cache.

:~$ kbuildsycoca4 --help
Usage: kbuildsycoca4 [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [options] 

Rebuilds the system configuration cache.

Generic options:
  --help                    Show help about options
  --help-qt                 Show Qt specific options
  --help-kde                Show KDE specific options
  --help-all                Show all options
  --author                  Show author information
  -v, --version             Show version information
  --license                 Show license information
  --                        End of options

  --nosignal                Do not signal applications to update
  --noincremental           Disable incremental update, re-read everything
  --checkstamps             Check file timestamps
  --nocheckfiles            Disable checking files (dangerous)
  --global                  Create global database
  --menutest                Perform menu generation test run only
  --track <menu-id>         Track menu id for debug purposes

There is an error - missing files.

enter image description here

Starting the Dolphin file manager with the root rights (kdesudo dolphin).

Browsing to the /etc/xdg/menus/. There is the but not the

Making a softlink / symlink from the to the (KDE drag&drop menu "link here").

enter image description here

enter image description here

Running the command:

kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental


The KDE menu is now populated with the available applications.

enter image description here