Where to store program internal state?

Solution 1:

What is the best place for the script itself?

That could be ...


Where (by convention) to store the file with program internal state on Ubuntu Server?

I do not think there is such a location. You could use /var/local/. I have seen several methods and a popular one seems to use /opt/. In this fashion:


where the 1st is a symlink to the active version. And a ./bin inside those directories for the binaries, a ./log for a (rotated) log, and in your case a ./state with or without a unique identifier. And all set to user root with permissions n00 so nobody can read the content of "state".

Makes it clear where you can find anything you need.

Solution 2:

I'd make a folder for the data in /var/local/ and store the script in /usr/local/bin/