New posts in translation

Looking for a translation of a German expression "mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit"

Accepted plural form of "Hijab"

Looking for an appropriate English name to replace my Chinese name [closed]

Is there such a word as "lightweightness"?

What do you call it when you refuse to give up on a particular task

How can I translate "Jeitinho Brasileiro" into English?

An English phrase for this Danish phrase?

What can I call the two possible directions on a line (as a category)?

Can I use the Launchpad translation service for my GitHub project?

"Abstract away from": disregarding details in effort to reach higher general and overarching notion of something

Is there a word in English which expresses the idea of 'logicate' (which is not an English word)?

Word for physical exercises

Translation of Soccer term: disarm

Can a car be "naked"?

Is there an English equivalent to the Indian proverb-"If you have the ability, even grass can be your weapon"?

The meaning of "blue canoe" in the lyrics of "Where to Now, St. Peter" sung by Elton John

What can "ranges" mean in this context?

Measurements without a dimension (raw number)

Synonym for "in the blink of an eye"

What does "skreeble", "glurp", and "grindlebloff" mean?