An English phrase for this Danish phrase?

In Danish we got a good-humored phrase which goes like this:

Spis lige brød til

Literally speaking it means:

eat bread to or eat some bread

This of course makes no sense in English in Danish the phrase means:

Hey!, calm down, chill man, slow down and so forth

Do you have anything similar in English with the eat bread or eat some bread included?

You could use take a chill pill.

See definition at ODO

A notional pill taken to make a person calm down or relax.

As a verb take a chil pill means calm down. See

This might be regional in application, but consider the invitation, "Cuppa tea?".

  • In times of crisis, there is nothing like a nice soothing cup of tea. - dailymail

  • The findings reveal that even a single cup of tea can significantly reduce anxiety levels after suffering a stressful experience – and in some cases, make people calmer than they were before. - The Telegraph

It's a colloquialism, which Urban Dictionary helpfully expands to

Cup of Tea. One of the best drinks ever. Better than coffee.