Using "logging in" correctly

There are a lot of questions concerning the correct use if login, log in, etc.

When speaking directly to an use I would say

You can always change this permission by logging in in the internal download area [...]

because after the "logging in" I naturally would do a very short pause before continuing with an emphasis on "in the internal download area".

However when I wrote it down on the site I'm developing, I didn't like it. The double "in" seems wrong o to me but I don't know how to express that in better way. Could anyone help me here? What about "by logging into the internal"?

The double in is not good.
There are other ways:

by logging to the internal...

by logging on the internal...

by logging on to the internal...

by logging in on the internal...

by logging in on to the internal...

You are quite right in wanting to change the double in. English has a grand selection of prepositions, and I think a little thought will just about always produce a good alternative for situations like this.