How to implement jQuery .on() function using plain Javascript and document query selectors

jquery on() function allow the DOM event to trigger on an element that may be inserted in the future. How can this be implemented using plain Javascript especially a mouseenter event on elements with a certain class without jQuery and using modern document.querySelector.

Solution 1:

Found the answer here

For anyone interested in implementing code is below:

<ul id="test">
    <ul class="enter-sensitive">
      <li>item 1-1</li>
      <li>item 1-2</li>
    <ul class="enter-sensitive">
      <li>item 2-1</li>
      <li>item 2-2</li>

  var delegationSelector = ".enter-sensitive";

  document.getElementById("test").addEventListener("mouseover", function( event ) {
    var target =,
        related = event.relatedTarget,

    // search for a parent node matching the delegation selector
    while ( target && target != document && !( match = matches( target, delegationSelector ) ) ) {
        target = target.parentNode;

    // exit if no matching node has been found
    if ( !match ) { return; }

    // loop through the parent of the related target to make sure that it's not a child of the target
    while ( related && related != target && related != document ) {
        related = related.parentNode;

    // exit if this is the case
    if ( related == target ) { return; }

    // the "delegated mouseenter" handler can now be executed
    // change the color of the text = "orange";
    // reset the color after a small amount of time
    setTimeout(function() { = "";
    }, 500);

  }, false);

  // function used to check if a DOM element matches a given selector
  // the following code can be replaced by this IE8 compatible function:
  function matches( elem, selector ){
    // the matchesSelector is prefixed in most (if not all) browsers
    return elem.matchesSelector( selector );