How do I hide a range of rows by getting the start and end row values from user input cells into the range VBA code
Solution 1:
Based on my comment, I'm going to assume you want to hide the rows (inclusive) between the two values you specify in A1 and A2.
You'll need to clean it up to make sure the correct sheet is having this applied to it. Right now, it works on the active sheet.
I've also assumed that if you change the numbers, you want to unhide all of the previously hidden rows.
Public Sub HideRows()
Dim lngRowFrom As Long, lngRowTo As Long, objSheet As Worksheet
Set objSheet = ActiveSheet
With objSheet
On Error GoTo ErrorCatchNotNumeric
lngRowFrom = .Range("A1").Value
lngRowTo = .Range("A2").Value
On Error GoTo 0
If lngRowFrom > .Rows.Count Or lngRowFrom < 1 Then GoTo ErrorCatchNotNumeric
If lngRowTo > .Rows.Count Or lngRowTo < 1 Then GoTo ErrorCatchNotNumeric
If lngRowFrom > lngRowTo Then
MsgBox "Your ""From"" row is greater than your ""To"" row.", vbCritical, "Error"
.Rows.Hidden = False
.Rows(lngRowFrom & ":" & lngRowTo).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The values you supplied are not valid!", vbInformation, "Error"
End Sub
Adapt it as you see fit.