New posts in topos-theory

Properties of the internal language of the category of sheaves.

Dense topology <=> double negation operator in a constructive metatheory?

Local strictly henselian $\mathbb{Q}$-algebras (i.e. "points in étale topology")

What is the relation between axiomatic set theory and logical quantifiers?

Where does one learn the algebraic geometry needed for topos theory?

Internal logic of topoi

References to supplement Goldblatt's "Topoi"

Volume 3 of Johnstone's "Sketches of an Elephant"

Examples of co-implication (a.k.a co-exponential)

Does this notion of morphism of noncommutative rings appear in the ring theory literature?

$F_2\circ F_1\dashv G_1\circ G_2$ and $F_2\dashv G_2$ but not $F_1\dashv G_1$

Is the internal language of a topos complete, sound and effective?

Applications of category theory and topoi/topos theory in reality

Understanding an example of a subobject classifier.

Reading Chapter 14 of Goldblatt's, "Topoi: A Categorial Analysis of Logic."

Proof that a category is cartesian closed

Concrete description of (co)limits in elementary toposes via internal language?

What fragment of ZFC do we need to prove Zorn's lemma?

Showing that the sheaf-functor $\epsilon: \tilde{\sf C} \to \tilde{\tilde{\sf C}}$ is an equivalence

Natural numbers objects in topoi: Recursion in a parameter