New posts in topos-theory

Satisfaction of Peano postulates in topos with natural numbers object

Motivation for the definition of an infinitesimal object

"Proper" definition of a proper map?

Is the map into the terminal object an epimorphism?

Does an equivalence of $G$-sets and $H$-sets imply an isomorphism of $G$ and $H$?

What are the universally effective epimorphisms of topological spaces?

What are the algebras of the double powerset monad?

The legitimacy of topos theory and intuitionism.

Fuzzy logic and topos theory

A locally constant sheaf on a locally connected space is a covering space; Proof?

Defining the notion of embedding of Grothendieck toposes as a quotient in the opposite category

All elementary toposes have finite colimits

Is there a topos-theoretic notion of "dimension"?

When does Sheafification commute with direct image?

Internal logic characterization of closed subobjects for a Lawvere-Tierney topology [closed]

Equivalence of categories preserves subobject classifiers.

Importance of 'smallness' in a category, and functor categories

What are topoi?

Equivalence of categories preserves cartesian closedness

Revisiting "What is Mazzola's "Topos of Music" about?"