New posts in topos-theory

Is there a category whose internal logic is paraconsistent?

What's the difference between a logic, an internal logic (language) of a category, an internal logic of a topos and a type theory?

Which presheaf toposes satisfy the axiom of choice?

Elementary topoi have initial objects, why?

Exponential of monos over terminal object

Characterization of equality of terms in the internal logic of toposes

How to find exponential objects and subobject classifiers in a given category

What is Mazzola's "Topos of Music" about?

2-morphisms between geometric morphisms

What does a proof in an internal logic actually look like?

How much set theory does the category of sets remember?

Does "cheap nonstandard analysis" take place in a topos?

What does it take to divide by $2$?

What is the $\textbf{Set}$-theoretical intuition behind understanding how power objects work in Topos Theory?

Is there a succinct way to axiomatize the theory of a single elementary topos?

How do you derive the adjoint's "naturality" condition as seen in MacLane & Moerdijk's book "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic"?