New posts in tensors

Are vectors and covectors the same thing?

How can I derive the back propagation formula in a more elegant way?

Do I understand metric tensor correctly?

Understanding the definition of tensors as multilinear maps

Definition of a tensor for a manifold

Rotation invariant tensors

Is there a fundamental problem with extending matrix concepts to tensors?

Is the rank of a Tensor different from the rank of a Matrix?

Why is tensor from a vector space covariant, not contravariant?

What is the tensor profuct of covectors? [duplicate]

Understanding the definition of norm of tensors on a Riemannian manifold

Derivative of trace of tensor

what's the relationship of tensor and multivector

How to introduce stress tensor on manifolds?

Oh Times, $\otimes$ in linear algebra and tensors

Coordinate-free notation for tensor contraction?

Christoffel Symbols and the change of transformation law.

Tensor Book Recommendation Request

Multiplying 3D matrix

Unitary matrix commute with function