New posts in tensors

Proof of $\det(\textbf{ST})=\det(\textbf{S})\det(\textbf{T})$ in Penrose graphical notation

Coordinate-Free Definition of Trace.

Metric on an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$ and Christoffel symbol of the second kind

Covariant Derivative of Basis Vectors

A user's guide to Penrose graphical notation?

How to visualize a rank-2 tensor?

Are matrices rank 2 tensors?

Levi Civita and Kronecker Delta identity [duplicate]

Properties and notation of third-order (and higher) partial-derivatives

Tensors, what should I learn before?

Tensors in the context of engineering mechanics: can they be explained in an intuitive way?

Prove that Christoffel symbols transformation law via the metric tensor

Equivalent definition of metric compatibility for a connection: what does $\nabla g$ mean?

Why is a linear transformation a $(1,1)$ tensor?

Why isn't there a contravariant derivative? (Or why are all derivatives covariant?)

What is the practical difference between abstract index notation and "ordinary" index notation

Intuitive explanation for metric inverse definition

Prove the Curvature Tensor is a Tensor

How to intuitively understand parallel transport

Difference between surface indices and ambient indices?