New posts in tenses

Does using "Their watch is ended" over "Their watch has ended" change the meaning of the sentence?

Continuous present tense in the place of simple present tense

Usage of tenses

A tense question about the use of modal verbs in the Harry Potter series

Is 'Got asleep' correct phrase? [closed]

I have eaten pancakes and I have (drunk/drank/drunken) coffee

"I knew him for..." or "I had known him for..."?

"I came from Italy" or "I come from Italy"

A tense problem about the use of "Could"

Why don’t people ever say “I have wanted to ask”?

Past perfect instead of past simple in fiction

"How did your life change if you have as much money as Bill Gates?" Is this sentence correct?

Verb tense when comparing two different time frames in a sentence

Is a past tense protasis necessarily hypothetical when followed by an apodosis with "would have"?

Differentiating between "written" and "writing" [closed]

Past and present tense in a one sentence

'Will' or 'Going to'?

were or had been

"I didn't realize"

Present simple on temporary action