Is 'Got asleep' correct phrase? [closed]

Solution 1:

"Fall asleep" suggests it simply happened, perhaps unintentionally e.g. "Accidents are caused by people falling asleep whilst driving".

However "to fall asleep" is also used where it was a simple and straightforward process e.g. "I went to bed and quickly fell asleep".

"Getting to sleep" is more often used where there was some sort of impediment e.g "There was so much noise from the people next door that I couldn't get to sleep".

Or: "I eventually got to sleep about 3.00am".

Or it could be used to explain that sleep came more easily than might have been expected e.g. "I had no trouble getting to sleep".

Your proposed expression "got asleep" is not often used - where "got" is employed, it is usually "got to sleep".

In all of the above I speak of British use. Different idiomatic rules may apply elsewhere.