New posts in stochastic-processes

Definition of the Brownian motion

Application of the Burkholder Davis Gundy inequality

What is the intuition behind the Borel Cantelli Lemma? [duplicate]

Poisson process and uniform random variable

What is $\mathbb{E}[W(s)\mathrm{e}^{W(S)}]$ where W(S) is a standard Brownian Motion?

Filtration of stopping time equal to the natural filtration of the stopped process

If $X$ is a Lévy process, why is $t\mapsto\sum_{\substack{s\in[0,\:t]\\\Delta X_s(\omega)}}1_B(\Delta X_s(\omega))$ càdlàg?

Some version of Itô isometry with conditional expectations

Generating the Borel $\sigma$-algebra on $C([0,1])$

Does finite variance imply on a finite mean?

Compute the probability that the first $k$ draws are red and the next $n-k$ are green

Two Gaussian processes with same variances and means but different covariances.

Random walk as a martingale?

Proving that the natural filtration of Brownian motion (not augmented) is not right-continuous

Relation between independent increments and Markov property

PDE - Feynman-Kac vs. finite difference methods

The continuity of the expectation of a continuous stochastic procees

When is a Markov process independent-increment?

Laplace transform of integrated geometric Brownian motion

When does the game end?