New posts in speech

Is it "damn thing" or "damned thing"?

Globally Disable Microphone in Big Sur?

Answering your own question

Difference between would and will

Fun and enjoyable ways to practice pronunciation? [closed]

“They had whatted the car?”

How to install more voices to Windows Speech?

Possessive apostrophes with names in speech marks [duplicate]

Pronunciation of numbers in address [closed]

Spoken equivalent of ... (ellipsis)?

Bare genitives: written vs spoken forms

Is the double "do" in the expression "If I do do it" more acceptable in spoken vs. written English? [closed]

Do "cook the" and "cooked the" get pronounced differently?

What is the best way of conveying respect to elders in English? [duplicate]

Equivalent for "née" in spoken English

What is the appropriate phrase to say if two people are on the same track?

"She was beautiful, she was." [duplicate]

No test that you wouldn't have had done before

"It is!" I squealed at the same time she cried, "It's not!" - Is this sentence correct? [closed]

Punctuation within quotes