What is the appropriate phrase to say if two people are on the same track?

I am sharing my understanding regarding a particular matter with a colleague just to make sure that both of we have same understanding. This is just to avoid any conflict or confusion among us. Phrases coming to my mind are like:

making sure we are on the same horizon or stage

making sure we are aligned

making sure we are on the same track

What would be the most appropriate sentence in this regard?

Solution 1:

"Making sure we are on the same page." would be even better than the options you mentioned. Although I don't think your suggestions would be misunderstood, what I have suggested is a more common way of saying it. See below. enter image description here Reference

Solution 2:

In addition to "on the same page" (which was my first thought) as already mentioned, you can also use "in sync" or "in agreement".

making sure we are in sync
making sure we are in agreement


[Phrases] in (or out of) sync [informal]
Working well (or badly) together; in (or out of) agreement.

‘To share life, we must spend time together and find ways to be in sync.’

agreement NOUN [mass noun]
1 Harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling.

‘Your Honour, I think we are in agreement that the matter should be heard as soon as possible.’

Solution 3:

I am stuck choosing between two options:

  • On the same page (already answered)
  • On the same wavelength.

On the surface, they mean pretty much the same thing. However, I make a distinction between the two.

Let's image there are two people, colleagues who work closely together. They agree on certain topic. I would say they are on the same page.

However, if I'm talking about two people who are not aware of eachother; but who (unknowingly) consistently have the same opinion, I would refer to them as being on the same wavelength

To me, being on the same page means you interacted with the other person to make sure you are in sync with one another (= you are in agreement on a topic you have specifically addressed)
Being on the same wavelength, however, describes an innate state of being similar enough to another person, without intentionally having to make sure. (= your mindset/character is similar enough that you would respond similarly to a topic that you haven't experienced yet).

E.g. when we're talking about how twins, even when separated, will make the same decisions consistently, I would call that being on the same wavelength, and not being on the same page (because the twins did not make sure that they made the same choices, it just happened automatically)

If that makes sense.

Solution 4:

A more traditional version of on the same page might be

  • to see eye to eye

ie. to be in agreement with

Solution 5:

I think being on the same page means a shared understanding, but not necessarily being in agreement about something.

See: Meaning of “on the same page"