New posts in soft-question

A question from an engineering undergraduate

Corollaries of the Yoneda Lemma in Analysis?

Ratio of time reading and solving

What are the "correct" modules over locally ringed spaces?

The use for solving quadradic equations for high school students

From applied master degree to pure PhD.

Does a glass of water sing because of the SO(2) symmetry?

Baby Rudin 1.14 is essentially Thales's theorem?

What jobs apply mathematics to ecology, outside of academia?

Stacks in arithmetic geometry [closed]

Why is unique ergodicity important or interesting?

Elementary problems that could be solved using homological algebra

More unknown / underappreciated results of Euler

How inequalities are made

What can I do with what I know? [closed]

Weil conjectures - motivation?

l'Hopital's questionable premise?

How to listen math lectures?

Are there ways to build mathematics without axiomatizing? [duplicate]

How large can the outer automorphism group be?