New posts in soft-question

Why is $i$ called "imaginary"?

Fundamental role of the Fourier Transform

Hyperreal field extension

“Visualizing” Mathematical Objects - Tips & Tricks

Chi-square or chi-squared?

reference request for a book on high dimensional probability and data analysis written for mathematicians

How to organize math study groups online for long-distance collaboration?

How do I get good at Math?

Articles on ideas in the history of mathematics notation?

Differential Geometry without General Topology

Non-Integer Genus?

What's so special about $\mathbb N$?

Research in algebra.

Good Mathematical Puzzle Book for Couples

Why doesn't the definition of a category require an explicit notion of morphisms equality?

Is there a way to know if a row reduction of a matrix has been done correctly?

Intuition behind picking group actions and Sylow

Suggestions for high school?

Applications of advanced number theory to other areas of math

What is linearity? [duplicate]