New posts in soft-question

The "muscle" behind the fact that ergodic measures are mutually singular

Nested Radicals and Continued Fractions

Studying Difficult New Material: Is It Effective To Skim Through First? [closed]

Why are solvable groups important?

Frustration when trying to learn a new topic deeply

Criterion for using "Riemann" or "Riemannian" in terminology

"Numerical results" from category theory

Why do linear algebra books have this cover? [closed]

Choosing a Master Thesis Topic: Logic - Model Theory

How are more difficult proofs discovered?

Mathematical Games suitable for undergraduates

Why those who dislike the fact that the reals are uncountable always attack Cantor's diagonal proof?

How can one visualize topological quotients or develop intuition for handling them?

How do you study math in your spare time?

A question on FLT and Taniyama Shimura

Significance of eigenvalue

Learning to understand proofs faster?

Is there a name for a "hierachical" graph "inferred" from the edges and vertices of another graph?

Non-measurable sets and sigma-algebra definition

Reverse Polish notation in (abstract) algebra