New posts in soft-question

Which topics of mathematics should I study? [closed]

Why, historically, did Gödel think CH was false?

Why we use the word 'compact' for compact spaces?

Are all good mathematicians fluent in computational aspects of mathematics

How is addition different than multiplication?

Is it bad to keep aside Lang's Algebra in graduate school?

Why is it the (group) morphisms that matter?

Is there a(n elementary) function whose derivative we cannot integrate?

Real analysis book suggestion

Is there a deep reason why $(3, 4, 5)$ is pythagorean? [closed]

Is 1+1 =2 a theorem?

How to do well on Math Olympiads [closed]

Calculator similar to Desmos but for $3$D

Using mathematics in theoretical physics

What are some results that shook the foundations of one or more fields of mathematics? [closed]

Do other non-native english speakers have trouble solving certain kinds of problems?

Expository articles on Analysis and Probability theory

Physical Significance of $8\pi r$ (the second derivative of the volume of a sphere of radius $r$)

What is the expected mathematical repertoire of a Ph.D. program applicant in the US?

How to check if you are counting right?