Combinatorics is "hard" even at the elementary level in that verifying answers becomes extremely tricky. While in algebra while a solution to an equation such as $$x^2+4x+3=0$$ is desired, the solution can be obtained and can be checked by plugging the solution by plugging the answer back into the equation.

Consider for instance, this problem.

Find the number of ways to create $5$ groups of exactly two among $10$ people such that no person belongs to two groups.

An incorrect solution: First select a group of two people from the $10$ people. There are ${10 \choose 2}$ of doing this. The next group can be selected in ${8 \choose 2}$ ways and so on. So by the multiplication principle, the total number of ways equal to the value of the following product.

$${10 \choose 2} \times {8 \choose 2} \times {6 \choose 2} \times {4 \choose 2}$$

The idea in the next (incorrect) solution is to create a bijection between the number of permutations of the people standing in a line and the number of groups that can be formed. Though this is the same idea that one possible correct solution uses the groups are overcounted.

Incorrect solution-2: There are $10!$ ways in which the $10$ people can stand in a line. The first and the second person, the third and the fourth and so on are placed in a single group. Since switching the first and second position will give another permutation but the same groups we need to divide by $2$. Similarly switching the third and the fourth position will give a different permutation but the same groups. Therefore ultimately, the total number of ways to form the $5$ groups will be $$\frac{10!}{2^{5}}$$

The solution which yields the correct answer is the following

Correct Solution-2: There are $10!$ ways in which the $10$ people can stand in a line. The first and the second person, the third and the fourth and so on are placed in a single group. Since switching the first and second position will give another permutation but the same groups, we need to divide by $2$. Similarly switching the third and the fourth position will give a different permutation but the same groups. Also consider the following fact. If the people (indicated by letters) are arranged in one permutation as follows, ABCDEFGHIJ then the permutation CDABIJGHEF also correspond to the same set of groups which is why there is a need to divide by $5!$ as there are $5!$ ways to
Therefore ultimately, the total number of ways to form the $5$ groups will be $$\frac{10!}{2^{5}\times5!}$$

Questions concerning the correctness of a counting procedure adopted are quite common on this forum. ( I will add some links if you think it is necessary.) This is one reason this question,albeit subjective, has been asked.Also i have not come across any text which addresses how not to undercount or overcount. Any discussion of techniques on how to avoid undercounting/overcounting or how to check the enumeration will be highly appreciated.


  1. The problems that I mean when i say combinatorics problems are enumerative combinatorics problems. This will perhaps narrow the scope of discussion by a considerable extent.
    1. Though counting in two ways is sometimes a nice way to check whether the solution obtained is right, it takes a lot of ingenuity to enumerate the answer to every problem in two ways. Which is why any answer to this question can avoid that technique and also not include listing out all the possibilities.

Verification of counting may be harder than verification of arithmetic, but the two incorrect solutions can't be blamed on this difference. They are incorrect interpretations of a word problem. This can just as easily happen in an algebra word problem. It's not clear that we can do better than heuristics like, "Where does order matter?", "Are those things labeled or not?", or "Did I overcount?" In practice, the suggestions in the comments are good diagnostics for humans doing counting problems.

In principle, however, verification is possible. Suppose we agree that the set in question is formalized best by a mathematically specified set $A$. Then we can formalize our solutions and verify.

Specifically, we verify answers with bijective proofs. This consists of constructing two sets $A$ and $B$ and a bijection $f:A \rightarrow B$. Then we prove that $f$ is a bijection. Once established, we've verified $|A| = |B|$.

For elementary counting problems, we're usually applying the multiplication or addition principles to already established counting formulas, which themselves can be established with these principles. The more formal version of applying the multiplication principle is to provide a bijection $f:A \rightarrow B \times C$ where $A,B,C$ are sets. For example, if you construct a set $A$ and believe it has $2^3 \cdot 3!$ elements, you can verify this by constructing a bijection from $A$ to $B_3 \times S_3$.

(In case you're unfamiliar, $S_3$ is the set of permutations of a 3-element set and $B_3$ is the set of all subsets of $\{1,2,3\}$.)

For the problem in question, we might (sloppily) formalize the set as $$A = \{\{G_1,G_2,\ldots,G_5\}: G_i \subseteq \{P_1,\ldots,P_{10}\}, |G_i| = 2, |G_i \cap G_j| = \emptyset \}$$

If we agree that's a decent translation, we can then verify there's a bijection $f:A \times B_5 \times S_5 \rightarrow S_{10}$. We can also verify that a specific function $f:A \times B_5 \rightarrow S_{10}$ is not a bijection. Or, if one prefers, the divisions can be captured with equivalence relations and again proceed to construct functions and verify.

While this is not as simple as substituting a proposed value into $x^2 + 4x + 3$ to check, proofs can be made so formal that they become verifiable calculations. It sounds like the paper "Tests and Proofs for Enumerative Combinatorics" goes down this path with computer proof assistants.

Many word problems are of the following form: "An object $x$ has the properties $P_i(x)={\rm true}$ $(1\leq i\leq n)$. What is $x$?"

The given conditions define a set $$S:=\{x\in X\>|\>P_i(x)\ (1\leq i\leq n)\}\ ,$$ whereby the "universe" $X$ of possible $x$ is understood by the problem setting. Solving such a problem one sets up a chain (or even a directed graph) of reasoning of the following type:

$$x\in S\Rightarrow\ldots\Rightarrow\ldots\Rightarrow\ldots\Rightarrow x\in\{x_1,x_2,\ldots x_r\}\ ,$$ or similar. Unless one has a "general theory" for this special kind of problems, which guarantees "exactly $r$", or, e.g., a "vector space of dimension $r$" of solutions one has to test each candidate $x_i$, $1\leq i\leq r$, whether $x_i$ is actually a solution of the original problem.

Now the counting problems are of a different nature. A certain set $X$ is defined, for all to see, and it is claimed that this set set has a certain property, e.g., that it has $9!$ elements. Maybe you have an "alleged proof" for this claim; but there is definitely no "easy check". Note that there is no easy proof for the claim that the nontrivial zeros of the zeta function are lying on the critical line.