New posts in soft-question

Why should the generalization of a 'sequence' be called a 'net'?

Resources for Integrals?

What goes wrong in my parametric equation for it to produce only a partial rotation of the graph of $f(x)=\cos(x)$?

Differential geometry in the context of manifolds

Why use geometric algebra and not differential forms?

Why is the total variation of a complex measure defined in this way?

Ring theory exercises at the graduate level

What are Free Objects?

Independent undergraduate research -- what to do?

seek a direct method to show $(a_k)\in l^2$

Problem regarding mathematical skill of a math lover [closed]

How to suceed in mathematical olympiads and competitions?

Second reading on set theory? Any recommendations?

Why is the derivative important? [duplicate]

What is "algebra" in $\sigma$-algebra (or "field" in $\sigma$-field)?

What does the Pythagorean Theorem really prove?

Possible Generalizations of The Heine-Borel Theorem

Elementary number theory results that are not generalized by ring or group theory

How does the lie algebra capture compactness of the lie group?

What is the best approach when things seem hopeless?