New posts in nets

Why should the generalization of a 'sequence' be called a 'net'?

Lifting a convergent net through a quotient map

Nets and Convergence: Why directed indices?

Every net has an ultranet as subnet: direct proof

Nets and compactness in topological spaces.

Does every net in $\mathbb{C}$ converging to $0$, have a countable subnet?

In a compact space, every net has a convergent subnet

Why are nets not used more in the teaching of point-set topology?

Why were filters and nets in topology named filters and nets?

Nets - preoredered sets or posets?

A bounded net with a unique limit point must be convergent

A net converges to a point iff every subnet accumulates in that point. [duplicate]

Subnets and finer filters

How can I think about a net in topology? [duplicate]

Filters vs nets in topology

Every subnet of $(x_d)_{d\in D}$ has a subnet which converges to $a$. Does $(x_d)_{d\in D}$ converge to $a$?

Net convergence over product and box topology

$3$ equivalent definitions of compactness

$f$ is continuous if and only if, $f(x_d) \to f(x)$ where $(x_d)_{d \in D}$ is a net such that $x_d \to x$

$\overline A$ is the set of limits of convergent nets with values in $A$