New posts in shortcut-menu

On Mac, is it possible to generate a folder structure in Finder's contextual menu?

User defined menu shortcut doesn't work with Safari

Passing selected folder path to custom Service executing AppleScript

What advantage does clicking a menu separator have? [closed]

Keyboard shortcuts with Dvorak keymapping

How can I switch between textmate and terminal quickly?

How can I change the tags in the context menu?

Right-click causes application crash

Keyboard shortcut for current window position

Clear multiple entries form "Open With" context menu [duplicate]

Parallels - Can I have a keyboard shortcut for the context-menu key found on Wintel hardware?

Remove item from Context Menu

Create Context Menu Items in Photos app

Assign ß on MacBook or external Magic Keyboard to long pressing S

Remove services from context menus (but leave them in the app's Services menu)

How can I customize the right click menu?

Adding to Mac OS X contextual menu Templates like on Linux Ubuntu

Deselect text using keyboard shortcut or prevent selection of word/link on right click

How to make the "Search with Google" menu option open up in a new tab by default in Safari?

How to change OSX System (Default) Shortcuts?