Solution 1:

I've just installed and then uninstalled iconStiX again - just to see where the stuff was placed.

The uninstall is like this (see Readme.pdf in iconStiX.dmg):

Throw away the following 4 items into the Trash:

  • the iconStiX program in your Applications folder (or any other place of your choice)

  • in your ~/Library/Preferences:

    • li.loos.trollin.iconStiX.plist

    • li.loos.trollin.iconStiX.LSSharedFileList.plist (if any)

  • a folder named iconStiX in your ~/Library/Application Support folder

Empty the Trash.

BUT this doesn't remove the Contextual Menu Items - unless you reboot your Mac (I did that, and the items was gone).

Solution 2:

You can modify what's in your right-click context menus going to Keyboard Shortcuts -> Services and unchecking the services there.

Solution 3:

Look into

  • ~/Library/Contextual Menu Items
  • /Library/Contextual Menu Items folders
  • ~/Library/Services
  • /Library/Services

To access them, open a Finder icon, press ++G, or Go > Go to Folder and paste one of the two paths above.

You'll find there all the contextual menu extensions and your services. Move them to the folder to disable them.
You may need to Log Out/In to apply the changes.