New posts in contextual-menu

How to disable "right click acting as left click"

On Mac, is it possible to generate a folder structure in Finder's contextual menu?

Right-click causes application crash

How to send the right-click event to a tab-chosen control from an application or service?

How can I avoid accidental right-clicks now that the Macbook trackpad is so big?

Annoyance in macOS vs Windows: where to right-click when in list view in Finder?

Missing a lot of options from Finder's right click context menu

Disable share (email, message, airdrop) on Finder and Safari

Magic Mouse right click lost every day

Play folder with right button with VLC

All Tags Not Showing on Mac Right Click

Remove system default / third-party app 'service' items from OS X context menus?

How to create an Automator service to convert images from one file type into another file type using the right-click contextual menu?

Mac OS X 10.14.6 Add option to Right Click Menu in Finder

How to right-drag using trackpad only, for Windows on MacBook

Change UI's menu select blink rate

How can I right click on a Mac using only the trackpad in a dual-boot environment?

Right-click for Creating a New Document - How?

How to map the bottom right Trackpad corner to right-click programmatically?

How to create a service (shown in the context menu on the URL) in Safari?