New posts in click

javascript click event handler fires without clicking

How to disable "right click acting as left click"

Need to cancel click/mouseup events when double-click event detected

Macbook pro sometimes left clicks are not registered

python pygame: Draw loaded image at current mouse click position

Disable hardware trackpad clicking

Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

c# gridview row click

get click event of each rectangle inside canvas?

Favoriting a song in iTunes scrolls to top and collapses album view

Prevent event bubbling in Vue

Javascript click event handler - how do I get the reference to the clicked item?

How do you make Greasemonkey Click a link that has specified text?

Programmatical click on <a>-tag not working in Firefox

JavaScript touchend versus click dilemma

CSS Animation onClick

How to make on keydown in c# in other window [duplicate]

jQuery .on() method doesn't see new elements

Scroll button on Logitech mouse won't left/right "click"

Is there a way to simulate a touch on a specific position of a widget or screen?