New posts in greasemonkey

Applying a Greasemonkey script to a chrome:// Firefox extension

Greasemonkey/ Tampermonkey @match for a page with parameters

How to alter this javascript with Greasemonkey?

Can jQuery selectors be used with DOM mutation observers?

How to use GM_xmlhttpRequest in Injected Code?

What is the difference between @include and @match in userscripts?

Add a JavaScript button using Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey?

Force Facebook to play videos in background tab

How to debug Greasemonkey script with the Firebug extension?

How do I install userscript from the local machine with GreaseMonkey 1.12 (2013 autumn)?

How do you make Greasemonkey Click a link that has specified text?

Using JavaScript and Greasemonkey to reload just one tab in Firefox?

Open a new tab with custom HTML instead of a URL

Where can I find an updated Google filter Greasmonkey script?

How to disable Flash plugin on Firefox, but with a whitelist? I mean *really* disable it

Get 2 userscripts to interact with each other?

Closure in Javascript [duplicate]

How to override the alert function with a userscript?

How can you determine the file size in JavaScript?

How to simulate typing in input field using jQuery?