New posts in touch

Is possible to simulate touch event using an external keyboard on ios jailbroken?

In Android, what is the difference between getAction() and getActionMasked() in MotionEvent?

Is there a way to touch-enable scrolling in a WPF ScrollViewer?

How to implement swipe gestures for mobile devices?

How can I implement a touch-sensitive, responsive, sortable list supporting drag & drop for Bootstrap?

Disable WebView touch events in Android

Media query for devices supporting hover

touchend event properties

JavaScript touchend versus click dilemma

Determine vertical direction of a touchmove

prevent touchstart when swiping

How do I recursively touch files matching a pattern

How to programmatically trigger the touch event in android?

Simulate touch command with Java

How to get the latest frame from capture device (camera) in opencv

Detecting Pan Gesture End

UIPicker detect tap on currently selected row

Click event called twice on touchend in iPad

How can a service listen for touch gestures/events?

Tooltips in the era of touch

Forwarding UIGesture to views behind